вторник, 7 января 2014 г.

All about you. Task 1

Task: write a short paragraph about yourself:
family and home: 
-people you live with
-area you live in

interests and tastes:
-reading books/newspapers
things you especially hate/love

4 комментария:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. Добавлю чуть позже, скорее на выходных!

  3. I live in small city name Narva. I live in big family (4 people), and i have 10-aged sister. I am single. In my city live a lot of old people, not enough teenagers for me. My city is major borderland of europe & Russia, because of this in city a lot of markets. shops & centers.
    I do iron sport like bodybuilding & powerlifting. When i have free time i read books. ussually it is classical literature, if i have opportunity i go to art club and make music. Rarely i play computer games. I don't like shopping, concerts & theatre. Ussually i listen coremusic, sometimes i listen classic music, electro & reggae. I'm not picky to food. I don't have smth to tell about travelling because i dnt't have exp in this question. Especially i hate when i hve no time for normal sleep & i like when i have insperation for action.

  4. I am 18 aged man, who live in Narva town. I am part of full family. I have sister. She is 12. Also in our flat live cat. We live in 5-story building on fifth floor.
    I played in hockey ten years, but year ago finished with this. After hockey I goes to the gym. Sometimes I read books. Ussualy this is fantasy or classic.I very often use computer ussualy for surfing and gaming, sometimes for studing.I like to go in cinema, maybe once at moth i watch new movies in *ForumCinemas*. Think, that music is important part of modern life. I listen music every day. I eat food when I am hungry . Ussualy eat at 4-5 times at day. I love to travel. I was in many countries like as Italy, Germany, Poland, Finland and other European countries.. I love to open something new in others countries, other culture, others peoples. I love to think about life, about the universe. Hate when people make war for resourses and relations.
